The officials had the option to hold a suspect from Cheltenham in association with both the homicide. According to Supt, Roddy Gosden, the suspect were known to the people in question.

Who Was Clive Warrington? – Stabbed To Death Clive Warrington was a man in his late sixties. His body was found on a ground floor level in a mid-porch house, that was isolated into four pads. It isn’t known, why he was killed.

The revelation of the body of his ex, 24km away was even strange. It doesn’t know whether his ex visited him and fled when the killer assaulted her ex.

For the present, a 40 years of age man has been suspected and arrested. Be that as it may, officials are as yet in the underlying period of the examination. They are as yet searching for more proof to be gotten.

They have pursued for individuals to approach assuming that they have any sort of data on the occurrence. It isn’t featured that the homicide appeared to be deliberate or the aftereffect of any sort of upheaval.

Meet Clive Warrington Ex-Wife Valerie Warrington – Who Killed Them? Valerie Warrington was the ex of Clive Warrington. A few was separated. Individuals in the area knew Clive, however they heard nothing promptly toward the beginning of the day.

Supt Gosden has pursued for any data connected with the wrongdoing on the off chance that anyone realizes anything in regards to teh episode, approach and offer. He said, “Relatives have been educated, and our considerations go out to them at this devasting time.”

The examination is progressing and officials are attempting to search for any recording caught in CCTV cameras or ready to hear from any of the observers of the occurrence.

Police say the deaths of a man in his 60s and a woman in her 70s are linked and a man has been arrested on suspicion of murder

— ITV News West Country (@itvwestcountry) March 2, 2022

Know Clive Warrington and Valerie Warrington Age Difference Clive Warrington was 67 years of age man. Be that as it may, his ex Valerie Warrington was six years more established than him. She was 73 years old when police found her body.

It is unusual to kill someone the couple, who are in their advanced age. How hurt the couple would have treated anybody that they needed to lose their lives so fiercely.

Police have their suspect, and they are not searching for any other individual right now. They died out of cut injuries, and their bodies were found 15miles away from one another.