Those who only played Diablo 3 may not be aware that the series did, in fact, have traditional-style talent trees, which were once a big draw to Blizzard-developed titles. The second game certainly had them, and they were great.

Talent trees will be back in Diablo 4, but that’s not all. Players will also be able to customize their characters via rune words and skill ranks, two additional throwbacks to Diablo 2. Between all three systems, players will be able to customize each of their characters exactly as they see fit.

This is a huge improvement over what is present in Diablo 3, which tossed all three customization methods to the side for simple skill unlocks as players progressed. That’s not to mention passives attached to equipment, which is simply a staple of the genre.

From what Blizzard has shown so far, Diablo 4 is looking to be a much meatier and fulfilling experience than its predecessor. Keep a lookout on GameSkinny for more news on Diablo 4 as it develops. 

Diablo 4 to Bring Back Customization Via Talent Trees  Skill Points  Rune Words - 64